Good Luck to #8 at the St Croix Regatta

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Tom Elsen
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Good Luck to #8 at the St Croix Regatta

Post by Tom Elsen »

Jim Kloss and a crew from Minneapolis MN & St Croix USVI are on the start line tomorrow for the St Croix Regatta. It looks like the winds are piping up from just a bit from this afternoon's 15kts and 4ft rollers
80 degrees there today. Possible showers tomorrow just to keep you from getting overheated.

Have a great day tomorrow guys.

Possible write-up with pics may follow the races tomorrow so that all of us snow-bound chumps can salivate.
We'll post 'em as they show up.
Best wishes,
Jim Kloss
Posts: 175
Joined: Sun Feb 02, 2003 5:59 pm

St. Croix Regatta 2008

Post by Jim Kloss »

Sorry guys, no bragging rights from this regatta except to say we survived.

Winds were 20-25 with sustained gusts and 7-10 foot seas in the channel between Buck Island and Teague Bay. Class assignments were a little strange -- no surpise that we had the slowest rating in the Spinnaker 2 fleet, but we didn't really expect to go faster than the Melges 24's!

Almost everybody had gear troubles. We broke a vang block, jib halyard and a snap shackle. Lots of practice broaching. The race committee did an excellent job but gave everybody a workout with fairly long WLx2 courses both days. Lots of people, including us, retired before the 4th race on Saturday.

We were feeling fairly beat up on Sunday, so ran wing and wing instead of flying the spinnaker. Slower but easier. No broaches!

We finished 6 of 11 overall, which is comparable to what we did in the CORT last year. Would like to do better, but ....

It felt cool to the Crucians on board, but the Minnesotans kept wanting to jump in the water. Air temp 83, water temp 79. No snow.

Jim Kloss
s/v Ambivalence
S2 7.9 #8
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