Regatta Participation- Why the low turnout?

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Regatta Participation- Why the low turnout?

Post by JP »

This thread has been started to generate some good discussion on why boats (local or not) are not competeing in our one-design events. Please reply with feedback so the class can learn and possibly make adjustments to increase the fun and participation. Don't wait to let others type your mind. Speak up so we can get this class back onto it's feet and on the starting line!

Example 1: The Detroit NOOD Regatta took place this past weekend. The weather was awesome, the host club pulled out the red carpet and a local club along the Detroit River hosted many of the trailered boats for FREE. Our One-Design start had 6 (4 local, 2 who traveled 5+ hours) boats. There are more than 4 boats in the Detroit area!

Quoting a recent member's post from the "Detroit NOOD" thread:

"what is it ever going to take to get more 7.9 owners interested in racing in the Detroit area?? There were 6 boats that sat idle at CSYC during the weekend, 10 miles north were at least 2 more boats sitting idle, and another 30 miles north were another 8 boats sitting. I am sure that if I started going south of Detroit I could find another 10 within 30 - 40 miles. Not to mention if you take a 3 hour trailer drive west, I could find another 15 boats with out looking very hard. What am I missing??? What is it that is keeping people away??? Are the regattas too long?? Too many races in one day?? The entry fee cost??? Launching?? Dockage??? Lack of crew?? Location?? Price of gas??? Please post some of the concerns, maybe there are things that we could get changed that would make it more appealling to the class. "

Examples 2: 2007 NA's 18 boats (down from 30+), St. Pete NOOD 8 boats (more boats in the the area), Annapolis Nood- 11 boats.

Again, please reply so that the class can hear your voice.

Happy sailing!
Jeff Pawlowski
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Post by chriscraig99 »

Some of our crew, including me, are in the airline industry. We have to get days off/vacation up to a year in advance. The Detroit NOOD hasn't had a class in the past few years, and the Chicago NOOD has had a class for the last 20 years. We scheduled for the Chicago NOOD. I have four wasted vacation days for the Chicago NOOD since we do not have a class this year. I would have loved to have known that we would have a class more than two weeks ahead of time for the Detroit NOOD and raced in some great wind. For us, we need advanced notice. Lately, it seems that we have to wait until the last minute to know if we are going to have a class or not.
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Post by BarryE »

For me its scheduling. I'm a high school principal. So the last two weeks of May, and the first two weeks of June are my busy times. Standard joke around my club is that if I haven't launched by Mothers day, I won't until Fathers day. It happened this year, boat is still in the garage, hope to launch next week.
Next problem time for me is late August and early September. Again school issues dominate. So my available race times are really late June to mid-August.
Second issue; my club issues dock assignements to those who race in designated club sponsered races. Too much time on the road, and I could loose my slip.
Tom Line
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Post by Tom Line »

Unfortunately, I haven't raced the boat the last 2 years. The short version is that until the kids at home get just a bit older (3/5/7 right now) I'm going to have to wait to get back into the traveling and racing. The time to organize this stuff (not to mention the funds) have disappeared.

Matter of fact, this year the boat got bottom paint for the first time and has been cruising *gasp* out of a well on the Black river. The 5 year old is pretty good on the helm!

Tom Line
Hull 421
Jim Kloss
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long range planning

Post by Jim Kloss »

But hey, you've got crew coming up!

Just make sure you keep making sailing fun. There's no better joy than seeing your kid sail better than you can.

Jim Kloss
s/v Ambivalence
S2 7.9 #8
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