solar vent

Please see the post RE new 7.9 masts

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john hauser
Posts: 6
Joined: Sat Apr 02, 2005 3:32 pm

solar vent

Post by john hauser »

I've recently purchased a 7.9(#99), and was interested in installing a solar vent. Is there anyplace that I should avoid installing a vent?
Jim Kloss
Posts: 175
Joined: Sun Feb 02, 2003 5:59 pm


Post by Jim Kloss »

We have two solar vents on Ambivalence; one is located above the galley - companion way and the other is to the starboard side of the V-berth. No problems with either location, although we sometimes replace the fore cabin top vent with the plug when racing. Both are set to exhaust and I'm told that my boat doesn't smell at all like a diesel. Since moving to the Caribbean, I've replaced one of the cabin lights (the one in the companion way that my son broke anyway) with a 12 volt fan but would only use it if sleeping aboard.

Jim Kloss
s/v Ambivalence
S2 7.9 #8
Tom Elsen
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Post by Tom Elsen »

Hi John - congratulations on your purchase and welcome to the club.

I'd avoid putting one in the forward hatch (where mine is). Weakens the glass. Prone to leaks. Need to replace it with the plug when racing. Just bad karma.

My suggestion is to put it through the top board of your companionway. You will need to seal it well from the outside. Other than that it's simple, easy and effective.

Jim- it was great to see you when we were down in St Croix. And yes, you are the official Fleet Captain down there. :lol:
Best wishes,
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