Cabin Top

Please see the post RE new 7.9 masts

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Cabin Top

Post by dixonwj »

The Inner cabin top skin under my mast base is not attached to the db trunk. It floats about a quarter inch above the DB trunk. I am not happy with that. What are thoughts about:

1. Filling the gap with resin and fibers then tabbing the skin to the DB trunk.

2. Forcing the skin down to the DB trunk, then tabbing it in place.

I have the mast step off, the plate out, and room to do either
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Post by dave »

That doesn't sound good because the trunk needs lateral support when sailing with the board partially raised. I think that I would go with a structural adhesive. It would be much easier to get into the crack too by applying with a caulking gun. The four bolts that go through the CB lifting bracket are supposed to go through the lip around the top of the board trunk. Those two things done together would make a very strong joint with no need to tab in, but knock yourself out if it makes you feel better.
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