Hi all...I will be painting my mast this Winter as I have white Alexseal (Awlgrip) left over from topsides. Alexseal has the greenish zinc chromate primer (1 gal minimum) for bare Aluminum so I will have some left over if anybody else is working on this kind of project. Let me know. Good price to fellow 7.9rs.
Who has repainted their mast and to what level of fitting removal did they go? Fittings with screws removed? Sheaves with rivets removed? Was there much corrosion under fittings? Was it worth it? Were rivets Stainless Steel? What kind?
Let me know what issues you ran into, before I start and go down the wrong road.
Robyn 177
Mast Painting and Fitting Removal
Moderators: Tim Bosma, Tom Elsen
Mast Painting and Fitting Removal
Doug Frye
Re: Mast Painting and Fitting Removal
Doug, I repainted the mast & boom last spring. I removed all screwed hardware. Replaced halyards with strings. The only rivets I removed were for the T ball slot brackets. The brackets were pretty worn, or appeared that way. I drilled them out and just turned them around, so the top was now the bottom.
Odyssey #146
Odyssey #146