Rudder Cheekplate Pivot Bushings

Please see the post RE new 7.9 masts

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Rudder Cheekplate Pivot Bushings

Post by Stef »

I just made a new set of rudder cheekplates by duplicating the old ones. The rudder pivot in the old plates had aluminun bushings installed in a 1" hole and were flanged about 1/8" to the outside, giving each plate additional material to wear from. Seems to make a lot of sense, should it wear you just need to replace the bushings, not the entire plate.
Old bushings were made from aluminum, but I would like to make them from Delrin. Delrin plastic will be less corrosive and better for wear.
Has anyone had any experience with this? Any input appreciated.
Odyssey #146
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Post by LarryE-old »

Yes, it works well. We sail in sait water and anything that keeps the Alum. from touching the Stainless bolt helps also.
When I bought 262 I found that the hole in the rudder was egg shape. I put the rudder on a milling machine and bored it round. Made a bushing and haven't seen any wear since then.
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