fairing the daggerboard

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fairing the daggerboard

Post by sj24 »

Has anyone faired their own dagger board? If so, how much work was it and did you actually have to get into the lead? Anyone use Compukeel templates?

Gerry Connolly
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Post by Gerry Connolly »

I'm interested in fairing the board as well. Mine is out of the boat for a major fix up as a result of hard groundings last summer...
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Post by dave »

You won't get into the lead but be prepared for the worst and hope for the best. Our boat is an '84 and there were numerous sections of laminate that had actually let go of the inner core of the board. I tapped all around to find the attached/detached edges and ground down to the core with the edge of a grinder to release them. Some were a foot square, although not square in shape. Also, the seam that runs all around the edge has oped up baddly and needs to be completely glassed together. Add to that the fact that the board trunk is mounted crooked in the boat AND the board itself has a bad warp in it, and you can see where I'm coming from!

Good luck, I hope yours isn't that bad,

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Post by LarryE-old »

Yes I faired my daggerboard.
25-30 hrs, including sealing, bottom paint and wetsanding
No, didn't get to the lead.
Yes, used Compukeel template
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Keel Fairing

Post by tpf »

25-30 hours sounds right. I used the drawings from the original design to create the profile and then laser cut templates our of SS. (My last job had some neat toys). My keel was solid but had a few shark bites. The biggest problem I found was there was a fairly significant depression on one side midway up the keel. I faired it with west system epoxy and microballoons then overcoated with the west epoxy mixed with aluminum powder.

The last think I did was ink the blade and longboarded it to final finish. The ink shows the highs and lows.

(Mix ink from a pen with acetone and wipe down the board)

I pulled mine from the boat and woked in the flat which made life a lot easier especially longboarding.
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Post by grandillusion »

a product is available from most body shop supply shops for this task, it's called guide coat, in arosol, or powder with a froam applicator, I perfer the latter
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Gerry Connolly
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Post by Gerry Connolly »

I did finish the repairs and the fairing to the dagger board. took way longer than I thought but it turned out pretty good.
You have to be pretty close to get it back in the boat...
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