spinnaker handling

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Jim Kloss
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spinnaker handling

Post by Jim Kloss »

Advice from Kim Jones, fleet captain and radio personality, on spinnaker handling in the St. Croix International Regatta that starts tomorrow: "Treat your spinnaker like a lady -- gently on the curves but definite with your pole." Makes me wish I was racing tomorrow.

Jim Kloss
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Re: spinnaker handling

Post by dave »

8) :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: spinnaker handling

Post by BarryE »

I hear ya;
snowing right now, 6-8" on the way;
Wish I were in the islands.
Bruce Baker
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Re: spinnaker handling

Post by Bruce Baker »

I guess this question falls under the heading "spinnaker handling:"

We have recently started launching the spinnaker out of the main hatch. I understand that this is standard practice for our class, and it definitely helps on the dousing end. However, on the launch, we find that the spinnaker gets hung up on the main and shrouds. We launch out of the main hatch on my Thursday night J-24 gig, and we don't have that problem. Is there a trick to this?

Bruce Baker
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