trimming main

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trimming main

Post by LarryE-old »

Question for skippers. How many trim the main yourself or have someone else do it?
Tom Line
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Post by Tom Line »

I trim it myself.

In heavy air, I steer the boat as much with the mainsail as the rudder, and if another person trims my steering gets very erratic.
Tom Line
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Post by LarryE-old »

Do you Vang sheet? Ease the sheet or ease the traveler?
Tom Line
Posts: 137
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Post by Tom Line »

I don't vang sheet. In the heavier air I set the vang for downwind so I can just blow the sheet at the windward mark and have the sail trimmed correctly. The mainsheet is set to control the leech with the top batten pointing parallel to the boom. Then I play the traveler in the puffs.

In lighter air I set the traveler to windward (Usually just beyond the edge of the windward seat) and trim with the sheet. I was having some trouble in larger wave w/ light wind conditions and Spike told me puts alot more twist in the sail than I'm used to in light air, and pulls the boom to windward some. I tried it and it was very fast.
Tom Line
Hull 421
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Main trim

Post by LarryE-old »

Thanks Tom,
Good advise on trimming in light air.
Will try it tomorrow. We are sailing #491 for the first time!
Forcast 78 and sunny. Today 76 and not a cloud in the sky.

Post by Tac »


You should be vang sheeting really reallly really hard!!!!!!!!!!!!

Post by Tac »

Oh, I forgot, I always trim my own mainsail.
Brad Boston

Main Trim

Post by Brad Boston »

I never vang sheet. But that does not mean that it is wrong, There are many different styles of drivers and trimmers that can make a boat go. The trick is to try them all and decide what works best for you.Brad
Tom Line
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Post by Tom Line »


I've got $5 on Tac.

Seriously though - the difference between vang sheeting and playing the traveler in heavier air is mainly that the mainsheet has a 4:1 purchase and the traveler on most of our boats is only 3:1. If your vang is fully on, you main sheet won't affect the upper batten much, and will only serve to trim the mainsail in and out, right?
Tom Line
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Post by fleck »

I gotta go with Brad.

I think that it is easier to adjust the angle of the main with the traveler. We also found that we get better adjustment of the leach tension with the mainsheet instead of the vang( only changing the sheet when we want to change sail shape). Lastly, I think the traveler line is a lot easier to locate and adjust while driving (stick up, traveler down and visa versa).
Bob Fleck
Horizon 484

Post by Tac »

This is why I vang sheet. This only applies to the 7.9. If I sail this way in the MUMM or the U-20 we are just plain slow.

So I want the leech as tight as I can make it so that the sail does not get powered up when the sheet is eased.

I set the mainsheet at tight as I can pull it, with the traveler at the begining of the lower seat. that gives you about 10" of trave down and that should be enough to wash the mainsail out when needed. If the breeze lightens a bit then I can still trav up.

I find that this does two things. It keeps the headstay tighter and because I have enough trouble just driving these boats, it is easier for me to just focus on the traveller and not worrying about the sheet. I also trust my crew enough that if they say big big breeze then I have the mainsheet ready to easy it more then the trav down will do.

One interesting note for you all. I have never actually sailed a race against Brad when both he and I are driving! So I am not sure who is actually better. Other then I have one ICR win as helsman ;)

Okay he was the reason as he did an awesome job keeping me in check and going the right direction.
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Post by fleck »


So, if I understand correctly, you are only vang sheeting when you run out of traveler. That makes sense to me.

I think many people use vang sheeting instead of adjusting the traveler. They use the vang to provide leach tension and ease the mainsheet when they could be easing the traveler.
Bob Fleck
Horizon 484

Post by Tac »

Well I am usually at the top top end of the genoa or jib at this point.

But the 7.9 seems to like having the traveller low and sheet hard versus traveller centered and a more twisty mainsail. Like I mentioned in the last one, if you did that in a MUMM 30 you would dead wrong and you need to be more twisty and trav in the middle. But that is a whole different story.
David E
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Post by David E »

I am fairly good at trimming, but have to confess, I am not familiar with the term "vang sheeting". Could someone please describe what this means? I may even be doing it, but not what to call it :lol:
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