This year's CCR would be a great venue to hold a class meeting. Does the Class Board plan to schedule a meeting because I don't see it in the Nashville CCR lineup.
Hey Jeff
I split this into a separate topic so that it would get more visibility. I also deleted some of the redundant postings. Thanks for getting things moving before Nashville. See you there.
Please post your suggestions for the 2008 annual meeting
- Rules or other changes
- Ideas on how to grow the class
- Questions / rules interpretations
- Other ideas or opinions RE things you don't want to see change
Thanks , Tom
To folow up on your question regarding an annual meeting. According to class rule 1:9A it is to be held on the night before the first race . That being Wed. evening this year. I am not certain what notice has to got out to the membership.I saw thirty days but I am not sure. I would support you nomination for Vice Chairman or another position if you are so inclined.
I mentioned Vice Chair because has been essentially non existent the past two years.[/b] Mike Bremmer , who I love and respect dearly, is no longer a member.He has not been an co-owner for a while now.
Also I do not recall a meeting at Milwaukee last year.
Does anybody have any class rules that they wish addressed?
What can we vote on and what can;t we vote on at an AGM? I am not really sure of that.
Mark- thanks for your post and comments. Much appreciated!
I do want to become more involved in this fine fleet and would like to propose an alternative Class format/direction for the 2009 season. I see great opportunity in this One-Design sailing class and accept your nomination.
Hi Mark, I believe we can do almost anything with a majority vote. Apparently we can't change the class rules at this meeting, but can be proposed here and then voted on after a suitable publication time.
But, I believe all of the Governing Committee members are past the 2 and 1 years of service, so they will need to be voted back in or new committee members elected. I would like to step down and let some new blood into my position. We also need a 30 day notice for this meeting. Jeff Mootz
This is for the discussion list at the meeting in Nashville.
A communications initiative to get our class more exposure using existing sailing information sites.
This may require a volunteer who would work under the direction of the board or a specific board member.
Mark #448.