Toe Rail leaks?

Please see the post RE new 7.9 masts

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Toe Rail leaks?

Post by Gregg »

This fall I am attempting to track down the numerous leak issues on the boat. Stancions are off and they were definately a culprit. I believe that there are a couple of places on the toe rails that might also be a problem.

One concern I have is that I will compromise the structure of the hull/deck joint by removing the toe rails and letting things dry out, then patching.

Anyone with any experience in this area?

Any other leak culprits that you know of?

I already rebedded the chain plate covers at the deck, and the hardware on the top of the cabin.

Thank you,

t'kela - #390
Portland, Maine
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Post by dave »

Depending on how well they were caulked at the factory, removing the rail may be anything from almost falling off to having to bend it to get it off! :shock: Instead of removing it I would suggest removing and recaulking each toe rail screw on at a time and also running a good bead of caulking down the top/inside edge where rail meets the deck, AFTER doing a really good scrubbing and cleaning. You can then [when dry] run masking tape about 3/16" on either side of the joint. Press it down WELL, then run a bead of caulk down the whole length, take your finger and pull a radius all the way down and then quickly pull the tape off. This leaves a perfect, clean bead AS LONG AS you don't screw around and let the caulk start to skin over. :wink:
Mark Gutteridge
Posts: 147
Joined: Wed Sep 26, 2007 9:46 am

Post by Mark Gutteridge »

Hello.We removed the toe rails from White Trash.It is a two person job at least. You will have to be aware that the rails are bent into shape.
It is not a really hard job.We did not see any problem with the the joint.
The purpose of removing the rails was for a major refit,which is still ongoing.Ron the owner has been swamped with work.
White Trash AKA Candu will be fast I am sure.
Guts #448
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