Taylor Made bow hatch handles

Please see the post RE new 7.9 masts

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Tim Bosma
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Taylor Made bow hatch handles

Post by Tim Bosma »

Hot Tamale has a Taylor-Made brand bow hatch. The handles have been subject to extreme use and one has cracked, leaving it non-functional. A call to the Taylor-Made company informed us that replacement parts are no longer available for that cover. Does any one have a source for these handles? or a couple of old handles lying around, maybe from the hatch you replaced?
Tim Bosma, Bosun
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Re: Taylor Made bow hatch handles

Post by orion27 »

West Marine sells TaylorMade handles. They sell two different handles, one set supposedly for hatches as far back a 1986. My boat,
1987 511 has a TaylorMade hatch, but sadly the West Marine handles do not match. Yours may be different. I've resigned myself to ordering a replacement hatch at some point. Since Tiara was planning a new run of 7.9s, I wondered if the hatch opening was reconfigured or the same as the original. If the same, what current hatch were they planning to use. My current hatch is fine and water tight, except for the broken handles, I open and close them by loosening the philips screw in the latch. Good luck in your search. I was really disappointed in the lack of support from TaylorMade. They advertise a 100 yrs in the business but don't keep records prior to 1990, so my TaylorMade hatch serial number was useless to them.
Tom Dignam
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Tim Bosma
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Re: Taylor Made bow hatch handles

Post by Tim Bosma »

In our call to TaylorMade, they said their handle supplier had discarded the molds. We are off to do some measuring to see if we can rig something up.
Tim Bosma, Bosun
Hot Tamale Racing
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Re: Taylor Made bow hatch handles

Post by orion27 »

I was able to install both handle styles from West Marine to the hatch lid. They the would not work with latch on the hatch base. I didn't think of it at the time but I wonder if the latch could be replaced to accept the newer handles.? I would measure to the center of the handle post on the hatch lid and see if it is the same as the current Taylor offerings. I don't remember how the latch is installed but I'll look today.
Tom Dignam
Bob Kirsten
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Re: Taylor Made bow hatch handles

Post by Bob Kirsten »


My boat is a 1986, and I had the Taylormade hatch, which I recently replaced. The good news is that I still have the old hatch, with handles. The bad news is that both of my handles had cracked, so I fabricated my own replacements out of aluminum. I would be happy to pull them off and send them to you. Just email me at robert_kirsten@hotmail.com and tell me where to send them, if you wish. My only request is that if you chose not to use them, send them back to me.
Bob Kirsten - DD Mau
North Star Sail Club, Michigan
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