Deck Cleaning

Please see the post RE new 7.9 masts

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Deck Cleaning

Post by Stef »

I read in the "Bottom Paint" heading that CLS (purchased at Home Depot or Target) was used to clean stains and is not too aggressive. I need to clean some stains off the deck, will this product work their as well? If not, what are you guys (and gals) using? I tried using Soft Scrub in a small area and results were not so good with lots of effort.
"Odyssey" hull #146
Tom Line
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Post by Tom Line »

I believe you mean CLR. (Calcium, Lime, Rust). And this isn't the "kitchen and bathroom" version of CLR, which doesn't work well. This is the full strength version you'd find at places like Lowes or Home Depot.

Other products that work well are Muriatic Acid (used for cleaning yellowing ceramic in tubs, etc, and for cleaning prior to re-suracing ceramics) and Lime Away.

Take note though, while these products remove stains, they are all acidic and can do very nasty things to your finish if you're not carefull, or if your finish isn't compatible.
Dale Eager
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Post by Dale Eager »

Advertisers would like you to believe there is a magic product for all stains but it isn't that simple. You need different products depending on the stain. A general rule is to start first with plain water, then use a mild soap like Simple Green. Even if these don't work, they may remove grease or other dirt that keeps your next chemical from getting to the stain. For decks, Oxy Clean actually works well on organic stains (bird droppings, blood, etc.). The acidic cleaners are good for rust and waterline stains. I haven't used it myself but I read that vinegar is good for removing salt water stains. Other things I use are WD40 (grease), Goof Off (caulks), Acetone, etc. Then follow up with another round of soap and lots of water. As a last resort, some rubbing compound will take off just about anything off along with some gel coat.
Coup de Vent #43429 (hull #43)

Post by Stef »

Thanks for the input. The stains are on the walkaround near the mast area and the area is non skid so rubbing compound wont work. I'll try the Oxy Clean and work my way up.
"Odyssey" hull #146
Tom Elsen
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Deck stains

Post by Tom Elsen »

Mix the Oxy Clean with warm water and let it sit on the stain for a while (or even a few hours) before you rinse it off.
Best wishes,
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Hull Cleaning

Post by Coldduck »

I found the deck of the S2 to be very porus and grab dirt pretty well. I purchased a power washer (~2300 psi) a couple years back and used a concrete cleaning product from home depot that is sold in the area where the power washers are(~$6/Gallon-One gallon is good for two washings.) My power washer has an autofeed so I spray down the deck and let it sit for a few minutes and then power wash it off. The results have been amazing. Easy and fast.

We cleaned my friends Tartan 30 the same way and it had similar results.

On bright days it hurt my eyes looking at the deck.

Good luck

Post by Stef »

I thought of using the pressure washer but was affraid it would blow the gelcoat off. Will try it (carefully)before I do anything else, thanks.
"Odyssey" hull #146 (in PA)
Tom Elsen
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Pressure Washers

Post by Tom Elsen »

Stef & Coldduck

Be careful with the pressure washer!!

I would NOT use the thing in the vicinity of the toe rail / deck joint, the mast step, the sidestays, the stantions or ANYWHERE else that you've got thru-deck bolts or fittings. That high pressure water will jam its way into tiny cracks (potentially freeze) and then you've got a permanent problem.

I'm not saying don't use it at all, just be very careful.
Best wishes,
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