Asymmetrical Spinnaker

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Asymmetrical Spinnaker

Post by stephanie »

Hello Everyone,

I might bite the bullet and join some of the short distance and longer distance reaching parades on Western Lake Erie...ugh...but a least it gets me out on the boat in some semblance of competition. In order to be more competive on our boats in off wind conditions between close reach, reach, broad reach points of sail (bet. 70-120 degree angles) I am considering my options:

1. short distance races just do the barber haul thing to get the jib clew outboard

2. longer distance consider an asymmetrical spinnaker (would LOVE to find a used one, as it would be a shame to not have any money left for beer at the beer can races!)

Any thoughts on the topic would be appreciated, topic being, how to make our boats competitive in off wind sailing racing conditions for short and long distance races (not W/L format).

Thank you!!

Stephanie from Ni Modo #68
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Re: Asymmetrical Spinnaker

Post by USA 96 »

Looking for an assym. also..............
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Re: Asymmetrical Spinnaker

Post by myarb »

Anybody ever get one rigged up?
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Re: Asymmetrical Spinnaker

Post by Captain Frank »

:D "Sail" magazine July 2009 did a comparison of The A-sail , S-sail, and a Parasailor2

In a nutshell the S-sail seemed to get the most out of the true windspeed, particularly in the close reaching to broad reaching angles compared to the other two.

Shorthanded? A-sail gets the nod because it is faster than parasailor at most sailing angles.

Higher winds and gusts? The parasailor is easiest to control without taxing your crew.
USA 96
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Re: Asymmetrical Spinnaker

Post by USA 96 »

A good North Tri-Radial chute works real good on a reach...our kicks ass, the only problem when carrying it like that is the pole is right on the forestay.

I would look at getting an old sail cut into a Code would might work better
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Re: Asymmetrical Spinnaker

Post by fleck »

Every have one of those TIGHT reaches where it's hard to get the spin to fly? Try keeping the Genoa/jib up and raise the board all the way up. You'll need to head higher to account for the slip but its fast.
Bob Fleck
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Re: Asymmetrical Spinnaker

Post by LarryE-old »

I had a really DUMB IDEA.
If it wasen't for drilling holes in my boat, I thought about making a sprit, that could be removed, and a used Asymmetrical from a sport boat and try it, just for fun.
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Re: Asymmetrical Spinnaker

Post by Dale Eager »

fleck wrote:Every have one of those TIGHT reaches where it's hard to get the spin to fly? Try keeping the Genoa/jib up and raise the board all the way up. You'll need to head higher to account for the slip but its fast.
But with the board up, aren't my options limited in this situation?
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Re: Asymmetrical Spinnaker

Post by dave »

UHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.......................................................................................... YESSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No disrespect meant to anyone but having most of the board up on a tight reach, ESPECIALLY a long one, sounds like a great way to get passed!!!!!!!!!!!

We've covered this subject before: The 7.9 is too darn heavy for an A sail to do any good downwind which only leaves reaching. WITH the right wind range [light air} you would probably see some gain over just using the Genoa. If money and space below aren't an issue and you sail in long distance reaches in light air, it MAY be a better than break even deal. Those are LOTS of if's!!!!!!!!!! :shock:
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Re: Asymmetrical Spinnaker

Post by LarryE-old »

fleck wrote:Every have one of those TIGHT reaches where it's hard to get the spin to fly? Try keeping the Genoa/jib up and raise the board all the way up. You'll need to head higher to account for the slip but its fast.
thats how we sailed the Lightening, at the windward mark, on a tight reach, board up, sail high and let it slide.
won a lot of races in the Lightening.
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Re: Asymmetrical Spinnaker

Post by dave »

Lightnings can plane, and getting the board up just makes them that much faster. The same can't be said for the 7.9 I'm afraid, although I'm sure that in very specific, narrow circumstances, anythings possible. 8)
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Re: Asymmetrical Spinnaker

Post by carey »

I have one that I have used cruzin never in a race,I like using a 155 and a my workin jib off my SJ 21 as a stay sail it has worked well for point to point racing.
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Re: Asymmetrical Spinnaker

Post by fleck »

dave wrote:UHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.......................................................................................... YESSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No disrespect meant to anyone but having most of the board up on a tight reach, ESPECIALLY a long one, sounds like a great way to get passed!!!!!!!!!!!
Agreed you need to mind the board when around other boats, but which to you think can hold a higher line. boat with spin or boat with headsail (ready with a little board)?

We actually worked on this against the S2 10.3 in Coup's picture. The hard part is keeping balance with the sails to keep it pointed in the right direction. The 7.9, with the genoa and board up, was able to keep up (boat for boat) with the 10.3 on a tight spin reach. Yes the 10.3 knows what they are doing. If you can keep the boat balanced, its quite effective. BTW we also had crew on 'board standby' in case needed for stability. Don't need much down to get it tracking again if it gets out of balance. Steer with the sails not the rudder.

This may sound ludicrous, but the boat has directional stability with the board up. I've seen 7.9 sailors finish a race with the board up, reach around while between races and not realize its up until the next race when they try to go hard on the wind.
Bob Fleck
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Re: Asymmetrical Spinnaker

Post by dave »

"Agreed you need to mind the board when around other boats, but which to you think can hold a higher line. boat with spin or boat with headsail (ready with a little board)?"

That's elementary................................ a Genoa creates MUCH LESS heel, side loading and drag on a close reach than a chute does! That translates into a higher lift:drag ratio which means more forward component and less side slipping when compared to a chute on the same course
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