Need a rudder and gudgeons/ pintels

Please see the post RE new 7.9 masts

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Need a rudder and gudgeons/ pintels

Post by cdiehl7 »

Ok... so a couple weeks ago we broke the rudder off the boat when the lower gudgeons failed in a big wave/ lots of wind. Then the upper pintel broke since that was the only thing keeping the rudder attached. As the upper pintel was holding the rudder on, it cracked the fiberglass blade with all of the pressure from the waves hitting the stern. It was a nasty situation since we were about 15 miles out.

Anyways... I need a new blade and parts. Phil's foils are expensive for wooden foils... and s2 won't make me a new one. I might be able to repair it, but I'd prefer a used or new one. As for the gudgeons and pintels... local machine shops want at least 800 bucks and Tops n quality hasn't called me back after leaving 4 phone messages and 2 e-mails in 2 weeks.

Anyone have a spare rudder or at least gudgeons/pintels they'd like to sell so I don't loose my season?

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J.D. Kloss
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Re: Need a rudder and gudgeons/ pintels

Post by J.D. Kloss »

Try to talk to Gregg at TinQ; he's been very helpful to me in similar circumstances (if a little slow). May be best to send them the broken pieces, since apparently S2 did change the specifications several times.

I have a "spare" rudder, the boat's original replaced under warranty way back when. It's split at the top but certainly repairable. Shipping it anywhere from her (Virgin Islands) would be an expensive hassle however.

Jim Kloss
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Re: Need a rudder and gudgeons/ pintels

Post by dave »

Building rubbers is expensive no matter how it's done. I've toyed with the idea of making 7.9 blades in the past: all epoxy/glass, but I've never been convinced that I could sell enough rudders to recoup my investment in time and materials just building a REALLY nice plug and mold!

Good luck on it.
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Re: Need a rudder and gudgeons/ pintels

Post by LarryE-old »

Had the same thing happen about 10 yrs ago. Only 6 miles out in the ocean.
Didn't break the rudder just the gudgeon and bent the pintel. S2 sold me a new gudgeon and I repaired the bent pintel.
When I got the new gudgeon I looked at it and could see it was weak. At the time I had access to a machine shop and weldes some braces inside the gudgeon.
I take the whole assembly apart every year and clean and inspect as the boat lives in warm salt water, year round.
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Re: Need a rudder and gudgeons/ pintels

Post by dave »

I have spoken of this before: because the 7.9 rudder is so counterbalanced, many drivers sail with WAY too much weather helm for the simple reason that they can't feel it because of the counterbalancing. Even if the blade holds (which it frequently doesn't) all of that side force is being transferred to the gudgeons and pintles.

Sailing the boat as flat as possible upwind and heeling to weather downwind will not only get you around the course faster and keep the crew dry and happy, it will also make the steering equipment last MUCH longer! Look at the angle of the TILLER to the center line of the cockpit. If it's more than a very few degrees off of center then you are stressing the bejesus out of the rudder and mounting hardware even if you think there is "no" or very light helm!!! :wink:
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Re: Need a rudder and gudgeons/ pintels

Post by cdiehl7 »

I do have some good news... Garhauer is looking at making me up the parts. I'll keep all updated on here on what they are willing to do.
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Re: Need a rudder and gudgeons/ pintels

Post by cdiehl7 »

Ok... good news, Garhauer is making new gudgeons and pintels to orignal plan/ spec for only $320 a set. (That is all 4 stainless steel pieces with new plastic bushings)

Last set that S2 sold was $800 bucks and tops in quality I couldn't contact to make new ones and the local machine shop wanted $875 to make them.

I've attached a photo of what they made me... When you call up there ask for Doug.
p_00166.jpg (59.64 KiB) Viewed 5310 times
gudgeonpintel.jpg (51.06 KiB) Viewed 5307 times
USA 106
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