racing criteria

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racing criteria

Post by normbue »

Hey.. During a club race or regatta, Who or what determines what would be the upper limit on wind speed before calling the race? And generally what would that limit be ? I know it can vary according to conditions, but what would a number be for the 7.9s? This comes up because several time last spring I found out how strong the 7.9 is!! Likewise for no wind. What determines how long you slug along before calling it?
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Re: racing criteria

Post by chriscraig99 »

We came up with 25kts for the National Championship as a max. Max is also location and even wind direction specific. For example, 20kts from the West in Racine, WI would be doable. However, 20 its from the East would not as the waves would be too big to get out of the harbor and for the RC boat to hold anchor. There is not a min wind speed, however there are time limits that indirectly relate to wind. All would be determined by the Race Committee and/or NOR and saling instructions.
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Re: racing criteria

Post by normbue »

Thanks Chris. That's what I was looking for. It gives me the backing I need to set a limit. We've gone out in 30+ winds, which I didn't think is fair for a mixed fleet like we have.
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Re: racing criteria

Post by Stef »

Paupack Sailing Club has no maximum, maybe we should set one. We have raced in 25+ before, but those days are far and few.

How about on the other end, minimum? Two years ago after calling 2 races that were underway because boats could not move due to no wind, we set 4 kt's as a min. some think it should be 3 kt's as 3 races were canceled at the dock due to lack of wind. What are others doing?

There's always 1 or 2 guys that say we could have raced.
Odyssey #146
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