Heavy mast and upgraded backstay questions.

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Heavy mast and upgraded backstay questions.

Post by newbflat »

Hi all, I have a new to me 7.9 #381 “Iskra” … it has a heaver section mast and old style pinch/vector pull back stay adjuster. I want to upgrade to a flicker and Dyneema/cascade backstay. I read that the heaver mast isn’t that flexy and I’m wondering if it’s advantageous to have cascade of 24/1 or higher to get the mast to bend more. Any issues with such a high purchase at the jib stay tang or load on the deck? Any thoughts on the heaver mast section and using it to affect would be much appreciated.

AJ Oliver
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Re: Heavy mast and upgraded backstay questions.

Post by AJ Oliver »

Yeah, I hope someone helps out here with some good advice.

I have #445

I replaced the pincher thingy with a cascade arrangement, but mine is on 8 to 1 because I was concerned that someone might crank it too hard. Seems to me that 24 to 1 might be able to put on excessive load.
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Re: Heavy mast and upgraded backstay questions.

Post by SailingUphill »

I've heard 12:1 and 8:1 (what I am using). With the 8:1 I get enough backstay that I can get a lot of forestay tension, but not a lot of mast bend (I'm hull 399).

I am not a great racer by any stretch so please take others advice here, but my observation is that I can crank on that backstay until I turn blue, the mast does not bend much if at all, but the forestay tightens. To me it seems I am fighting my lowers when it comes to bend. What affects the boat the most is upper shroud tension (per wind speeds), vang, and draft of mainsail (both depth and postion).
Presently hull 399, "Ragtime" Blackwater Yacht Racing, Smith Mountain Lake, VA
Fomerly hull 68,"Rum Line," Paupack Sail Club, Lake Wallenpaupack, PA.
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Re: Heavy mast and upgraded backstay questions.

Post by cklamp »

I haven't calced what mine came with, but it's gotta be at least 12:1 by the looks of it. I haven't been out in conditions catering to cranking on it yet, so not sure how much bend I get yet.

Hull 278 with what looks to be the stock mast.

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Re: Heavy mast and upgraded backstay questions.

Post by newbflat »

Well after doing more research I'm very skeptical that my mast is a heavy section one. I was only going by what i was told by the lady owner and i have the full history of the boat now except for the original owner and so one replaced the mast. Also the gooseneck attachment is like an early bendy ones, ie: riveted on.

Anyway….i added a 16/1 purchase to the backstay and I'm guessing it’s on the lower end of whats about right. You still need to pull fairly hard on it in a blow to really get enough to bend the mast, but there is not to much line to over haul. It would be nice to have a bit more purchase but that would add a lot of line to pull. Im trying out a “loose end” to the main line in the cascade allowing me to pre tension it to the wind conditions reducing the amount of line i need to hall. I might add a block to the cascade to make it 32/1 and see how that works keeping in mind not to over tensioning it.

Its a big upgrade over the pinch system that for sure.
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