Cockpit lazarette locker repair

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Cockpit lazarette locker repair

Post by sailor536 »

I'm replacing the small plywood boards (about 33" by 1.5") that are underneath cockpit lazarette lockers which rotted away from water damage. What type of paint can be used that would be white, hard and waterproof? Also, what type of adhesive would be best to bond the wood to the fiberglass? 3M 4000 sealant or something else?


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Tim Bosma
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Re: Cockpit lazarette locker repair

Post by Tim Bosma »

We did that repair last year. We used 3M 5200 to stick the boards on, and then went and got some "garage and porch floor paint". It comes in a variety of colors and is the paint used as bilge paint by a custom boat builder nearby. It dries hard and waterproof and is made for wear and tear. We painted the entire underside of the covers a military gray.
Tim Bosma, Bosun
Hot Tamale Racing
S2 7.9's : #477
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