Thru-hull transducer replacement

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Brett U
Posts: 18
Joined: Sun Apr 05, 2020 9:24 pm

Thru-hull transducer replacement

Post by Brett U »

I have the original Datamarine instruments on hull #516 and am looking to update them. I'm assuming that I'll need to entirely replace the thru-hulls, correct? If there's a way to use the existing installation, that would be great I know, I'm dreaming...

What do you recommend? Thanks a million!
Sam Buschell III
Posts: 55
Joined: Tue Apr 30, 2013 9:49 pm

Re: Thru-hull transducer replacement

Post by Sam Buschell III »

I replaced them with Raymarine instruments many years ago.
CHose an in hull transducer that eliminates the hole for the depth. Raymarine P79 Plastic In-Hull Transducer
I also took the opportunity to recess / flush mount the speed thru hull and fair it out.
There are probably better options now, but they have worked great and are a big improvement over the original equipment.

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Re: Thru-hull transducer replacement

Post by reidmefirst »

I hemmed and hawed about what instruments to go with recently. Decided to splurge on B&G, as they output NMEA2000 data. It means faster data updates, and nmea2000 can be converted to a few other protocols (including raymarine seatalk, nmea0183, and even wireless access to a tablet or cell phone). The protocol converters that abound, allows a lot of flexibility if you decide to mix & match components down the road. For example I can put B&G wind or precision compass data out to my cheapo raymarine autotiller and have it track to wind or track to compass.

Modern instruments are also kind of neat that a lot of them use tri-transducers (speed/depth/water temp) using just one thru-hull. Could use the second existing thru-hull (assuming you've got two for instruments) as a water intake for a purifier or head, or just fill it and fair it for some sweet sweet racing speed.
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